miercuri, 10 iulie 2024

Marriage through the lens of awareness

 Marriage would simply mean just this woman.

Just this woman,when relationships once started they go on forever, would mean that one is bound to be with the woman even so the form of the relationship may change. As woman need to be loved not understood just this woman would mean on the part of the man to be just love.

When love cannot be guaranteed what the institution of marriage does is that it demands just love which is just awareness.

So to be just loving-awareness is to be a Jesus, a Buddha, Kṛṣṇa, Rāma, Muhammad and no short than that or else ...

The absolute Truth is that in our heart of hearts we are all just loving-awareness but to the extens that every man married rises to be a Jesus, a Kṛṣṇa, a Rāma, A Muhammad, (I heard in Buddhism there is no such thing as marriage so ..) that's not according to the facts because pf the many divorces known.

So why would one make an absurd demand on many, many people that not even 0.1 percent can fulfill and embody ?

The woman taking the man knows the man falls short of perfection, the priest knows it, but still they insist upon imposing unrealistic expectations upon people. The woman concedes to a painful compromise because of the hormones and the wish to be a mother and the thought that she can change the man, we all know where non-acceptance comes from and that true transformation always comes from acceptance. For the priest is simply a lucrative business, an insurance that someone will need him in the future in case as one might expect the man falls short of the standard set by the institution of which in many cases because of hormones also has not the slightest idea what the trio of woman, priest, and society is cooking up for him.

My guess is that the institution came because of the fact that both women and men, most of them at least, the ones that do not choose to become monks and nuns that is, need to have sex.And because women would naturally, as they do anyway, go with the man they fancy, when not receiving what they might expect they would make unreasonable demands (as seen above that they do in fact anyway) a certain protective idea that goes with the logic of the woman to assuage her needs for security (which by the way are not solved by that) was invented. (which is also to be deduced from the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke 20:34-35

sâmbătă, 6 iulie 2024

Happy birthday, Dalai Lama!


In the land encircled by a fence of snow mountains.

The source of all happiness and benefit

Is Tenzin Gyatso who is Lord Avalokiteśvara.

May he live until cyclic existence ends.