marți, 25 octombrie 2022

What is the answer ?

The question is attributed to Gertrude Stein which upon her deathbed, as OSHO told the story, opened her eyes and asked her friends:

What is the answer ?

as nobody said anything she pressed

What is the question ?

Reading on this I found a version of the above on Wikipedia where her companion Toklas recounts that she said

If there is no question there is no answer ?

As Rabbi Avraham Shira said (approximative quote) :

The questions are the vessels where ligt pours.

If there is no vessel light has no room to pour into.

We are all answers to life deepest longings. That's why we are here.

Are you here ?

luni, 24 octombrie 2022

We are here to sing our song

We are here to listen to the voice ... A borrowed voice no matter how aligned with source it might be is not our own. We can reach to source by borrowing a voice, to get to the Truth to see that with our own eyes ... but joy can only come when one finds his own voice.

We are unique and beautiful ...

Listening to that voice which has been clouded by the voices of our parents, by education, by dogma, by well intended teachers who show us there is a way out is for us alone to find. We listen and remember and some day we can actually speak with that voice.

That voice alone inspires ... as it caries the breath of the whole.