sâmbătă, 8 februarie 2025

How I brewed Russian Caravan tea ?

Today I brewed my own version of Russian Caravan (for those who don't know Russian Caravan is a smokey black tea known as such it seems because at some point a caravan that was carrying black tea from China to Russia got the tea smoked without them intending that and they saw it was good).

The mixture I used is based on three varieties of Chinese tea:

Pu Erh (fermented black tea)

Keemun Congou (has a slightly plumy taste)


Lapsang Souchong (that's a taiwanese smokey black tea, it's smoked because it's made of the bigger leafs (the smaller leafs are said to be better quality)).

I started with mixing around half Pu Erh with Keemun and Lapsang Souchong in roughly equal proportions.

joi, 6 februarie 2025

A few reflections on marriage and divorce

 Let me start with a quote from Shunmyo Masuno's book "Don't worry": "Love is beautiful misunderstanding. Marriage is cruel understanding."

It is widely acknowledged including spiritual teachers and enlightened masters that divorce is a trauma.

What is the root cause of the trauma of divorce ? Marriage

If baptism is a sacrament that makes people whole why is there a need for the Sacrament of marriage if they are already one ? And if they aren't already what did the Sacrament of baptism actually accomplish ?

Do you know that people who support marriage and officiate marriage don't have a remedy for the trauma of divorce ?

Healing from trauma is a work one has to do on oneself ... it can't be done by other people and it is to reclaim the connection between cognitive and affective memory. That is done by writing a letter to your younger self. In case of divorce the letter can only have this line:

"Do not marry!"

Universe, if I am before marriage, I want to be me before I was born.