luni, 12 decembrie 2022

On Acceptance, Dealing with challenges and Conscious Manifestation and Appreciation

Acceptance is too see and know you are pure awareness. That's the meaning of I am enough. I am enough in my essence as I know in essence I do not need to add anything to feel complete and anything I perceive is not who I am in essence as I am not the changing body-mind-scenery.

When you accept who you are in your essence you accept other people as well and do not impose expectations upon them wishing to be different in order to make you happy. When you accept you understand that the soul is always abundant and fulfilled Now and doesn't need time to get over a perceived lack to fill it. Once you accept life you open up to creative solutions and infinite possibilities. That means that your needs will always be met provided you are open to life Now. Family, friends, being loved, fulfilling your Dharma can come in the most unexpected ways from people who you wouldn't haven't even dreamt of. When you understand this fully you don't place unrealistic expectations upon people and accept that not everyone is suppose or should be everything you need and provided that you are open to life Now everything you truly need is abundantly available. When the view shifts from the form identity which is ever changing to pure awareness where creation is mated moment to moment you realize that infinite contains all forms.

Dealing with challenges in life comes from acceptance. When we shift our view from the form to the essence identity we can see grace in the midst of challenges. Sometimes because the form identity has become too heavy, challenges proportional to dissolve the form identity come to bring us to our essence identity which nothing can destroy. Approaching loss, illness, trauma, abuse from a place of acceptance doesn't mean that we are passive and do not take steps to correct what needs to be corrected, but it shifts the perspective from a victim identity and a place of reactivity and denial to a deeper sense of knowing that All is well. Not resistance is key ... as not resisting difficult emotions like fear or anger dissolves the energy around the emotions. If the conditioning is too heavy to be dissolved at once it substantially weakens it and accepting and trusting the process it brings healing and wholeness.

Conscious manifestation works best from a place of acceptance and appreciation. When you accept life as it is and appreciate the form the present moment takes there is no more resistance to life.

Appreciation means that one appreciates the natural gifts and talents. That can be the swabhav, the type which can be action type, feeling type, thinking type. Here is an article in which OSHO talks of the three types:

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